What is the role of the golden ratio in aesthetics?

What is golden ratio?

The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion or phi, is a mathematical ratio that is considered aesthetically pleasing and balanced. It is approximately equal to 1.6180339887. The golden ratio can be found in various natural and man-made objects, such as the proportions of the human body, architecture, and art. It is believed to create a sense of harmony and beauty.

Why is golden ratio is important for face?

The golden ratio is believed to be important for the face because it is thought to create a sense of balance and harmony. Many people believe that facial features that adhere to the golden ratio are more aesthetically pleasing. For example, it is said that the ideal ratio between the width of the face and the width of the eyes is approximately 1.618, which is the golden ratio. However, it is important to note that beauty standards and preferences can vary across cultures and individuals.

What is the role of dermal fillers in reaching the golden ratio?

Dermal fillers can be used to help achieve the golden ratio in the face by adding volume and contouring specific areas. For example, fillers can be used to enhance the cheekbones, chin, or jawline to create a more balanced and proportionate appearance. By strategically placing fillers in these areas, it is possible to achieve a facial structure that aligns with the golden ratio. Some individuals who are often cited as having facial features that approximate the golden ratio include celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson, and Brad Pitt.

Gloderm 30L has a high water bonding capacity thanks to its high concentration of hyaluronic acid (30mg/ml). With this feature, Gloderm 30L is successful in volumizing and defining the facial contours.